Sunday, April 15, 2007
C.V of Atef Al-saadawy
Personal and Contact Information
Date and Place of Birth: Cairo, 18 September 1977
Personal and Contact Information
Date and Place of Birth: Cairo, 18 September 1977
Tel: + 971 2 448 4993
Mobile: +971 50 810 8945
September 1995 - September 1999
B.A in Political Science, awarded with Distinction
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
Cairo University. Egypt
September 2000 - September 2007
M.A in Political Science
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
Cairo University. Egypt
Tel: + 971 2 448 4993
Mobile: +971 50 810 8945
September 1995 - September 1999
B.A in Political Science, awarded with Distinction
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
Cairo University. Egypt
September 2000 - September 2007
M.A in Political Science
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
Cairo University. Egypt
June 2006 to Present: Editor/Researcher
Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR)
Abu Dhabi, UAE
ECSSR is a progressive think-tank which conducts objective and scholarly research focused on political, economic, social and security issues as they relate to the UAE and Gulf region.
Key responsibilities
- Liaising with clients to take instructions about the nature of the research to be carried out,
- Researching and analyzing political and social issues in depth,
- Organizing, commissioning and conducting research into public opinion,
- Monitoring news sources in order to identify emerging political and social issues.
September 2003 to Present: Managing Editor of Al- Ahram Quarterly, “Democracy Review"
Cairo. Egypt
I was offered a one year fellowship at ECSSR in May 2006, and therefore took leave from Al- Ahram Foundation where I work as Managing Editor of Al Ahram quarterly “Democracy Review”, a specialized political quarterly published every January, April, July and October since 2001 by Al-Ahram Foundation. The journal is devoted to exploring the evolution and transformation of democratic political systems worldwide.
Key responsibilities:
- Supervising contacts with potential and actual authors, and ensuring the smooth flow of manuscripts and proofs to authors, copy editors, and press,
- Consulting with Editor-in-Chief about arrangement and compilation of issue contents,
- Creating and maintaining databases of contact information for contributors and subscribers, and overseeing budget and cost of services,
- Attending and giving presentations at conferences and seminars in Egypt and Abroad (UK, Denmark, Czech Republic, Oman, Qatar and UAE.)
- Designing, formulating and conducting social and political research
Projects using quantitative and qualitative methods,
- Advising external bodies on political and social policy such as the Egyptian People’s Assembly, Egyptian main political parties and Egyptian labors unions.
April 2000 to Present: Researcher
Al -Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
Cairo- Egypt
ACPSS is an independent research unit within Al-Ahram Foundation. It pursues research about regional and international developments, Egyptian strategic, political, economic, and social issues, and contributes to enlightening public opinion and rationalizing the decision-making process in Egypt
- December 2005 to Present
Member of The follow up Committee “Network for Reform and Democratic Change in the Arab World. Amman, Jordon
The "Network for Reform and Democratic Change in the Arab World" was established in December 2005 by the Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation. It aims to monitor change and reform in Arab countries, and to conduct surveys to gauge progress or regression in each Arab country and society
- February 2005 to Present
Arab Reform Forum
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina
The Arab Reform Forum was established in 2004. It acts as an open forum for initiatives relevant to Arab reform and other initiatives related to all forms of dialogue and cooperation with the international civil society. It aims to create a network of reform enthusiasts in Arab countries
- August 2003 to Present
Member of "The Project for Democracy Studies in Arab Countries"
Oxford. England
The Project for Democracy Studies in Arab Countries Working Group is a non-profit initiative launched in the early 1990s. Its members are committed to spreading democracy in Arab countries and believe that change in the region can only be secured by redefining the relationship between politics and religion
Key Responsibilities: Supervised several research projects related to democracy and political parties in Arab countries
- March 2007 to Present
Member of “the International Network to Promote the Rule of Law” (INPROL). Washington D.C
INPROL was created by the US Institute of Peace (USIP) in consultation with the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units among others. It seeks to assist international rule of law specialists in their efforts to prevent conflict and stabilize war-torn societies.
-Date: Training young Egyptians on human rights issues at CAIRO CENTER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES and at AMIDEAST Cairo office.
-Date: Lecturing American university in Cairo students and
Cairo university students on parliamentary issues in Egypt, USA and other countries.
-Date to Present: Lecturing on democracy and human rights issues at different institutes, NGOs, universities and research centers in Egypt and abroad
1-Enhancing democracy in Egypt: toward a common view among political powers (Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies, 2007)
1. The Future of Democracy in Egypt (Cairo, Madbouli Bookshop, May, 2007)
2. New Trends in the 2005 Egyptian Parliamentary
Elections (Cairo: Democracy Developing Group, 2006)
3. The 2005 Egyptian People Assembly elections
(Cairo: Al Ahram center for Political and strategic studies, 2006)
4. Africa between the democratization and structural adjustment (Cairo University, institute of African studies and Research, 2006)
5. Democracy dilemma in Egypt
(Cairo: Merit house of publications, December 2005)
6- Despotism in Modern Arab Government
(Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies, 2005)
7- Democracy within Arab political parties"
(Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies, 2004)
8-The political role of the syndicates in Egypt: the syndicate of physical therapy as a model
(Cairo: Al Ahram center for Political and strategic studies, 2006)
10- Discourses and reform programs in a changing world, true or just slogans (Cairo University: center for developing countries studies and research, 2004)
11- El Wady El Gided Governorate: Institutional biography
(Cairo: Al Ahram center for Political and strategic studies, 2003)
12- The Leadership Crisis in the Arab World
(Cairo University: center for developing countries studies and research, 2004)
13-Atlas of Asian Countries
(Cairo University: center for Asian studies, 2003)
14-The 2000 Egyptian People Assembly elections
(Cairo: Al Ahram center for Political and strategic studies, 2001)
15-the Asian-Gulf economic relations
(Kuwait: diplomatic center for political and strategic studies, 2000)
16- The Guide of parliamentary Elite in Egypt
(Cairo: Al Ahram center for Political and strategic studies, 2003)
17- The small political parties in The Egyptian Political system
(Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, 2003)
1-The possibility of building Egyptian coalition for political reform, paper presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Network for Reform and Democratic Change In the Arab World ,on “Arab Reformers Building Networks & Coalitions”, Amman 24- 25 March,2007
2-The 16 Annual Meeting of the Project for Democracy Studies in The Arab Countries on “Prospects for Convocational Democracy in the Arab States ", at Bernard Sunley Building, St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, Manor Road, Oxford, England, Saturday 26 August 2006
3-The concept of intra-party democracy, Paper presented at the workshop which organized by St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, England, 24-25 August 2006
4- The Danish Political System and the Future of Relation between Arab World and Denmark, workshop organized By: The Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute (Copenhagen, 28th May to 7th July 2006)
5-Doha 4th interfaith conference, (25-27 April 2006, Four Seasons Hotel, Doha, Qatar)
6-TheOfficial Opening Ceremony of the Omani Advisory Council (Muscat, 20th Sept 2005)
7- Promotion of Democratic Endeavors in Egypt. Paper presented at the 15 Annual Meeting of the Project for Democracy Studies in The Arab Countries on “Promotion of Democratic Endeavors in the Arab Countries ", at Bernard Sunley Building, St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, Manor Road, Oxford, England. August 27, 2005
8-The roots of despotism in the Egyptian culture and the limits of the long waited democracy , paper presented at the 14 Annual Meeting of the Project For Democracy Studies in The Arab Countries on "Despotism in Modern Arab Government", at Bernard Sunley Building, St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, Manor Road, Oxford, England August 28, 2004
9-The absent political reform in Egypt: political or cultural dilemma, paper presented at the conference on: Africa between the democratization and structural adjustment, institute of African studies and Research, Cairo University, May 2005
10- The role of think tanks in Decision making : a Study of The New conservatives in the American Administration, paper presented at the conference of the 21 century Scenarios(center for developing countries studies and research , Cairo university, April l7-19, 2004) .
11- The Leadership Crisis of the Egyptian Political Parties , paper presented at the 13 Annual Meeting of the Project For Democracy Studies in Arab Countries on "Democracy within the Arab political parties ", at THE GCR THEATER, St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, Manor Road, Oxford, England August 30, 2003
12-TheOfficial Opening Ceremony of the Omani Advisory Council (Muscat, 28th August 2003)
12-The programs of the Egyptian political parties: comparative study, paper presented at the conference on: the small political parties in the Egyptian political system, (Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, March 2003)
13- The Political Reform discourse of the Egyptian political parties, paper presented at the conference on reform review : Address and reform programs in the Arab world , (center for developing countries studies and research , Cairo university, May 31, 2003.
14- The Palestinian Youth and the Future of the Palestinian resistance, paper presented at the conference of Youth and social Challenges in the Arab World (center for political studies and research, Cairo University, May 27, 2002).
15- The foreign policy of Oman Sultanate within 1990s, paper presented at the conference of the foreign policy of the Arab States, (center for political studies and research, Cairo University, May 6-7, 2000).
16-The election process in the Oman Sultanate , paper presented at the conference of the legislative elections in the Arab countries , (center for political studies and research , Cairo university, April ,2001).
17- The Crisis of the Egyptian Political Parties, paper presented at the conference of the leadership and development in the Arab countries , (center for political studies and research , Cairo university, April ,2000).
1- The Colored Democratic Revolutions in Central Asia, Study Published in the Annual Report: my Nation in the World, No5 (Cairo: Civilizations Center for political Studies, 2005)
2- The Election of the American Democratic Party. Al Ahram quarterly Democracy Review, issue No.14, April 2004
3- Oman Sultanate: Towards accomplishing the Experiences, Al Ahram quarterly Democracy Review, issue N.13, January 2004.
4- The Israeli Strategy in the Red Sea, AL-Ahram quarterly "International politics review, January 2004.
5- Iraq: the Governing Council: to enforce the occupation or a step toward independence, Al Ahram
Quarterly Democracy Review, issue N.12, Oct 2003.
6- Central Asia and Caucasus after 11 of September, study Published in the Annual Report: my Nation in the World, No3 (Cairo: Civilizations Center for political Studies, 2003).
7- Egypt Foreign policy Towards Palestinian question in 1990s, (Cairo: Arab Strategic Report, Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, 2003) .
8- The Excepted role of Iraq Kurds and There foreseen future, AL-Ahram quarterly "International politics review”, April 2003
9-The youth and the Future of Palestine, Al Ahram quarterly Democracy Review, issue N 7, July 2003)
10- The future of the Arab Afghanis, Al Ahram quarterly Democracy Review, issue N.5, January 2002.
11- Power shift in Indonesia: Democracy means for non democratic goals, Al Ahram quarterly Democracy Review, issue N.4,Oct 2001.
12- Leadership and Democracy crisis in the Arab World, Al Ahram quarterly Democracy Review , issue N,3 July 2001
13- Political Changes in Korea, Al Ahram quarterly Democracy Review , issue N.2 April 2001
14- Democracy and the parliament, parliamentary Issues (Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, January 2000)
15-The new session of the Egyptian People Assembly, parliamentary Issues (Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, November 1999)
16-The environmental politics in Egypt , parliamentary Issues(Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, January 2001
17-The women representation in the parliament: opportunities and problems, parliamentary Issues (Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, March 2000)
18-Women Quota System in the Egyptian people assembly: the experiment and reality, parliamentary Issues(Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, September 2000)
19-Twords a strategic understanding between Egypt and Bangladesh , AL-Ahram quarterly "International politics review, No 145 April 2001)
20-the great Asian idea in the 20 century(ALNAHDA quarterly, Cairo university ,issue No 4,July2000)
21-The Korean investment in Egypt , (ALNAHDA quarterly, Cairo university ,issue No 5,October2000)
22-The Korean investment in the waiting list ,AL-Ahram AL-Eqtesadi ,October 2202)
23 Egyptian Bengali ties , (ALNAHDA quarterly, Cairo university ,issue No 7,April 2001)
24-The second forum on the Egyptian Iranian relations , (ALNAHDA quarterly, Cairo university ,issue No 9,October2001)
25-The issue of terrorism in the Egyptian foreign policy, the Arabic strategic report , (Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, 2001)
265-environmental legislations in Egypt , parliamentary Issues(Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, May 2000)
27-The Asian prominent figures in the 20 century , AL-Ahram quarterly "International politics review, No 139 January 2000)
28-The Asian political thought in the 20 century , AL-Ahram quarterly "International politics review, No 140 ,April 2000)
29-The early election in Israel: historic defeat of the left wing , Al ahram quarterly Democracy Review , issue N.9 April 2003
30-Egypt and Palestine :The efforts of collapse prevention, the Arabic strategic report , (Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, 2003)
31-The most significant law of anti-Semitism, anti Discrimination magazine , Arabs Against Discrimination(AAD), Issue No1,Jounuary 2005
32- Indonesia and challenges of the new Phase, Al Ahram Daily 14-9-2001
33- The International Criminal Court and National sovereignty , Al Ahram Daily ,31-10-2001
34- Entefada and Zionist Project, Al Ahram Daily ,20-5-2002
35- Experience of Oman Advisory Council , Al Ahram Daily ,9-11-2003
365-The Benefits of Quota System for Women in the Egyptian people's Assembly, Al Ahram Daily , 24-2-2004.
37-Bicameral Parliament and its Effect on Accomplishing Ddemocracy , parliamentary Issues (Cairo: Al Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, September 1998)
38-Monetorin the constitutionalism of the laws, comparative study between Egypt and USA, parliamentary Issues (Cairo: Al AL-Ahram Center for Political and strategic studies, October 1999)
1-2005 Elections: Towards The Second Republic in Egypt, study published In Al , on April2005 as apart of special file on political reform in Egypt
2-The Roots of Despotism in The Egyptian Culture and The Limits of the Long Waited Democracy, study published In .Arab renewal website :
and also in Aldemokrati magazine website :
3-Competing against obedience, study published In AL-Azmina AL-Arabia websit
4-leadership dilemma in the Egyptian political parties, , study published In Al ,and also in:
5-Indonesia : violence of State and people . published on Al : , on 4-4-2001, as apart of special file about Indonesia
6-The history of the most important Ethnic groups in India, published on Al on 4-8-2001 as a part of a special file about India
Labels: C.V of Atef Al-saadawy